🚀 Roadmap: Charting Our Journey to the Stars

Our roadmap outlines the exciting milestones ahead as we navigate the crypto cosmos and support SpaceX's StarShip program. Join us on this stellar adventure! 🌌🛰️

📅 Phase 01: Setting the Course

  • 🚀 Stealth Launch

  • 🙌 200 Holders

  • 🌐 Website V1 Released

  • 🌟 Community Formation with ETH Trending

📅 Phase 02: Accelerating Forward

  • 🚀 Meme/Shilling Contest

  • 🌐 Listing on Different Coin Websites

  • 📊 CMC & CG Applications

  • 📈 Dextool Info Updated

  • 🚀 Regular Space Sessions Begin

  • 💡 Dexview/AVE Info Updated

  • 🚀 Partnerships with Influencers

  • 🔥 Trending on AVE, Dexview, Twitter

  • 🌐 Facebook and Instagram Marketing

📅 Phase 03: Gazing Beyond the Horizon

  • 📜 Whitepaper Release

  • 🚀 More Community Members Joining

  • 🌐 Website V2 Released

  • 📊 CG Listing

  • 🔗 Logo on Uniswap Updated

  • 📊 CMC Listing

  • 📱 Logo on Trust Wallet Displayed

  • 🤝 Discussing First CEX Listing

  • 🚀 1,000 Holders

  • 🚀 Second Meme Contest

  • 📈 Dextool Trending

📅 Phase 04: Reaching for New Heights

  • 🏦 First CEX Listing

  • 🚀 Starbase V3 Launch

  • 🚀 3,000 Holders

  • 🎥 YouTube & TikTok Marketing

  • 🌐 Partnerships with CTs

  • 📰 Press Release

  • 💹 Crypto.com Trending

  • 🚀 4Chan Banner

📅 Phase 05: The Grand Voyage

  • 🚀 10,000 Holders

  • 📈 Dextools Ads

  • 🕵️ Certik Audit

  • 🌟 Celebrity Partnerships

  • 🌐 Partnerships with Major Cryptos

  • 📊 Listing on MEXC, Huobi

Our journey continues, and the stars are our destination. Together, we rise higher! 🚀🌌

Last updated